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It's Raining Men!

How many times have you heard someone say, “It never rains and then it pours!” Have you ever noticed when you’re single, that nobody notices you and then the second you’re dating, you catch men looking at you everywhere. “What’s going on?!”

It’s all about energy!

You know that feeling of being in love. You smile a lot. Food tastes better. The sky looks more blue and traffic doesn’t bother you as much because your mind is frolicking in the sweet fields of ecstacy. Everything seems more colourful and vibrant. Scientifically, it’s because you are more vibrant and colourful.

Like attracts like. The energy you give out is the energy you receive. For example, have you noticed when your day starts out bad, it rollercoasters from one crap thing into another. Have you noticed when someone starts talking about a bad date, everyone offers a horror dating story? Although there is laughter, the underlying theme is negativity. Similarly, if you mention a travel destination you found inspiring, people usually either ask questions or agree with you or tell you about one of their adventures.

Watch the energetic dynamic of these groups. A conversation that is negative, will feel different to one that is positive. A negative will draw out other negatives. Just like a positive will draw out other positives. Hate attracts hate and love attracts love. Doesn’t love feel so much better?!

Of course, there will always be someone who will remain stedfast in their positive or negative attitude. Those stuck in negativity have deeper issues. Some might be going through a hard time and eventually pull themselves out. Others seem to like being in the pit of hell and thrive on negativity. On the positive scale, these people usually understand the power and energy of positivity and know that happiness is not a destination but a journey.

What does this mean? It means you fill every moment with things that make you feel good. Give your loved ones regular hugs. Play music while you get ready. While you walk down the street, smile at strangers and feel their energy shift as they smile back. Look up at the blue sky and be grateful for it’s pretty colour. Enjoy every moment of your journey and the pleasure of your destination will be even greater.

How do you attract something if you’re nowhere near it? By being conscious of your vibration and deliberate in your energy.

You can practice the vibrational frequency of Love by taking your attention away from being single and focusing on something else you love – like travel. You can experience the feelings of being in love, even when you’re not in a relationship. Being out in the sunshine on a sunny day can feel blissful. Planning your next holiday can make your mind drift off and your soul smile. Watching a funny movie can make you laugh so hard, that your smiling for hours afterwards. Feeling grateful that the rain will make nature a brighter green will make grey days cosy. Feeling happy in yourself, attracts more things to be happy about … including love.

Try the following science experiment: Girls, walk out feeling vibrant and sexy and see what happens. People will smile at you. You’ll have conversations that fuel your energy. You might even get asked out. Guys, imagine what it would be like to have a woman in your arms who you love and cherish plus want to sleep with. Walk around knowing there are women who are beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. When your eyes connect to everyone, look for their inner beauty and appreciate them for being them. Even if you’re just passing by. Even if it’s another guy. We’re not asking you to become gay, just to appreciate that inside everyone, there is a heart and soul. This inner beauty in you, will make you more desirable to women.

Whether we want love, a new job, more money, a classy car or abundance in all areas, we can consciously ignite the vibrational frequency within us required to attract those things by focusing on other things which create the same core emotion. Feel it anywhere and everywhere and soon everything you desire will come to you!

Ahhhh … Don’t you just love Love and Travel and …

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