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Paris is My Lover

I’m often convinced that I was born in the wrong era as well as the wrong part of the world. I always crave for weekend getaways to Paris or Venice. But that is impossible for me. From Sydney, Australia it takes a day to fly to Europe and the day it takes to fly back is compounded by the 8 hour time difference. Add the time it takes to get to and from each airport and you have the length of your long weekend spent flying or preparing to.

Oh how I envy Europeans!

Before the sun graces me with it presence, I draw my curtains, revealing the dark winter sky. Even in winter, Paris is beautiful. Even though winter bites me with his teeth so sharp, I am still seduced by his charm.

The glass pane is icy but I touch it anyway. I crave to soak it all in while I am here. Looking out my French windows, I feel somewhat between an eager child spying on the Christmas tree awaiting Santa and a sexually perverted adult who awaits a glimpse of another in a change room at Lafayette. Ill be the second gladly, for I am seduced by the magic of Parisian architecture alone.

The rooftops alone make my cold winter skin melt. Rows upon rows of French window encased in French shutters, each embraced by the curves and curls of the lace like iron balconies. Oh how I love French architecture.

The glow of the street lights. The style of the street lights. I’m taken back to another time. Is it possible it was once my own time? The orange glow of the winter sky slowly changes to a deep blue before me. The closeness of the building opposite me, teases me. Eager child and naughty adult alike.

Everything teases me here. It has been too long since I have been here and it will be too long until I return. I must find a way to change that!

Modern architecture does nothing for me and yet it amuses me how much French architecture turns me on! It inspires me! it excites me! It seduces me!

When I walk the streets of Paris, glancing up at the rooftops, the doorways, the balconies, the windows, into the cafes, walking in and out of lingerie boutiques and over bridge to pont, surrounded by centuries, I feel I am where I belong!

Many think it is too far to go for a short trip but I love my European flings. Yes, I would love a great romance … the intimacy one experiences from staying in a place long enough to know it well but still be surprised by its beauty. For now, a fling is all I have and as I say, “it is better to have a bite than to never know the taste at all!”

Paris is my lover and I intend to make love to him often.

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