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Pretty Little Liar!

Everyone knows the snowball effect of a lie. It starts out small. Then as time passes and the questions build, so does the charade, until what you are left with is a 300 page Shakespearean Tragedy … or a comedy from your friend’s perspective.

Act 1 Scene 1 always starts with a beautiful summer’s day. Yes, while the “victim” of your lie may feel like Romeo or even worse Mercutio, those reading (well, actually hearing) the story will enjoy as each act unfolds more to the likes of ‘Much ado about Nothing’ … full of laughs at the expense of another.

Have you ever been in a position where what you said wasn’t listened to? With assertion and an open heart, you expressed your feelings but they weren’t acknowledge. If you were in an English Tutorial, you would conclude that your feelings weren’t acknowledged because they didn’t match what the other character wanted. In reality, your feelings weren’t respected!

Have you ever been pursued to the point of stalking, either physically or emotionally? Have you ever thought since there was no point in telling the truth, you told the other what they wanted to hear. You hoped they would shut up or give up once they heard what they wanted. That was stupid as that rarely happens. So you told a little lie but then watched it escalate into a big fat lie. You’re friends loved hearing how the story was unfolding. Theatrically, you all imagined where you could take this big fat lie. Amazed, you all wonder how this “victim” was stupid enough not to see the cracks in the story!

But soft! Wait! No more! This is not what you want! You love watching Shakespeare. You were that rare student who loved studying Shakespeare in High School. You love the intellectual analysis with others … discussing themes, plot and character development. You will even venture to locations in Europe, which inspired Shakespeare to write. You don’t even mind being a character in one of his comedies. But your little lie which has turned big is directing you straight to one of his tragedies and you recognise the time has come to end that story! It’s time to kill or be killed!

The question really is who is the victim? Was the emotional stalker really a victim or did he walk into the dagger that he created through his own disillusionment? Was the liar the actual victim who gave in, then pulled back? There is one fact that nobody can argue with … when told with Shakespearean passion, there is always comedy to be found in these tragedies!

The themes of this story … Be True to Yourself!

Take off mask and walk your path ... not another’s!

Hmmm don’t you love a good story?!

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