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Drink Meditate Love

We all laughed when a friend commented that the adventure I am about to embark on was very ‘Eat Pray Love’ when another suggested it should be ‘Drink Meditate Screw’. I guess it’s a combination of both as my trip to New York, New Orleans and Las Vegas will be followed by 10 days of silence and meditation in the mountains, then returning to my lover.

They say don’t stay where your soul doesn’t feel at peace. At my last job, my mind was screaming to get out, my heart knew I deserved better, my body was pleading as the stress was manifesting and my soul was in alignment with all these aspects of self.

Those of us who are travellers, know we are different to tourists. Yes, many of us will still go to the popular tourist attractions. They are popular for a reason. Yet there is a different energy within. There is a desire to broaden through experiencing all things different. Experiencing different cultures, meeting different people from different walks of life, seeing different architecture, connecting to nature which is different, delighting in a different shopping experience, closely examining how different the men are, eating different foods and drinking new cocktails.

The point to an adventure is difference … seeking, experiencing, learning and growing. After booking my plane ticket, I’m always like a child on Christmas Eve.

Sometimes you just have to get on a plane because you want to fly in m ore ways than one. Following my adventure of catching up with friends and making new ones, lots of fun and letting my hair down, I will go to solitude and peace. Ten days of silence and meditation. An ancient form of meditation practiced by Buddha. Afterwards, I will return to hugs and kisses and more love.

Blessings, Love & Light, xox Hugs & Kisses xox

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