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Hopeful or Hopeless?

We’ve all witnessed Dr. Jekyll turn into Mr. Hyde. How many times have you heard someone mention the moment when the “real her” came out? In a new relationship, do you approach with arms wide open or caution? Are you honest about your light and dark side or do you only present your positive aspects. Why not be honest and save yourself time – Let it all hang out!

Obviously if you have aspects about yourself that you need to work through (as every human does) then work through them, but don’t pretend they don’t exist. Be true to yourself by being honest with yourself and with your new love. You don’t have to deliver your negatives on a silver platter to be dissected. but don’t pretend to be someone your not. It will only bite you in the ass.

Are we a world full of pessimists pretending to be positive? Why pretend?! Speak your truth. Be positive when you feel it and admit when you don’t feel good about something. Life is full of brick walls. Have you noticed that some people inspire you to climb over the brick wall while others make you run in the opposite direction? Isn’t the treasure to find someone who you love, faults and all?

Not all of us fit together and that’s ok. Are we hopeless if we walk away? Or are we hopeful if we stay? Are we hopeless if we admit our faults? Or are we hopeful that someone will love us anyway? The answer is only known to ourselves. Just as every person is an individual, every situation is individual. Do you know your inner truth? Or do you blind yourself?

When you’re in love, does you hopeful attitude make you appear hopeless to your friends? If the relationship is a good one, does it really matter? Isn’t love what we all want? We want to be in love with a partner, we love our family and friends, we love our children, we love our pets, we strive for a job we love, we love our home, we love our free time and our hobbies. Even if something trips us up now and then, isn’t love worth the risk?

In love, are we hopeless or hopeful?

Why not Be Yourself, Be Hopeless & Be Hopeful!

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