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What’s the Difference?

We’ve all heard the saying “There’s a fine line between X and Y.” But is there really? To the untrained eye or those with inexperience, they may see some things as the same. Though anyone with awareness and insight can feel through the bullshit and see the roses. Nobody buys a bouquet of roses for the bullshit that fertilised them! Just like intelligent women are drawn to a man with a beautiful heart not an overgrown ego!

I was once told by an arrogant man that “All women like arrogant men!” What followed was a three minute debate that went something like this …

“No! They don’t!” “Yes, they do!” “No! They don’t!” “Yes, they do!” Followed by another minute of … “Not all women!” “Yes, all women!” “NOT all women!” STOP!

The only thing that stopped me from slapping him across the face (other than being a pacifist) was that I didn’t want to touch his slimy face! Yes, folks … he was one of the arrogant men that this woman definitely didn’t like!

While some people may believe there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence, many of us turn away from one and walk towards the other. An arrogant person is so self absorbed that you wonder if you traded places with another person for 5 minutes, would they even notice. You question whether they have the capacity for meaningful connection, as their ego can only see themselves. He is rude to others and you, because his narrow mind knows everything! He feels better about himself by putting others down. He actually believes you are saying “yes”, when you say “no”. Apparently, you want him and that’s that! … Because, he “knows” that he is the best!

A confident man knows who he is and what he wants, while staying open minded to change and personal growth. He feels good about himself by knowing his self worth and values others for their personality traits and achievements. With charm, he goes for what he wants. The confident man will respect you if you say “no”. He believes you both deserve the best.

Huge difference? Yep!

And guess what … no matter what you believe, there is always going to be some fuckwit that is going to tell you that you don’t know something, you don’t really believe something, you can’t feel something, you aren’t something, you can’t have something, you can’t achieve something … bla bla fucking bla!!

Have you ever been judged incorrectly? I just saw 75% of the human race raise their hand! Yes, I am one of them. As a young girl with olive skin and dark hair, who lived in an area of blonde, fair skinned people, I was seen as different. When visiting family on the other side of town, I was also seen as different because of where I lived and because my accent was different. Without speaking to me to actually get to know me, everyone prejudged me. Hey does this sound familiar to 75% of you out there for one reason or another? Skin colour, gender, personal beliefs, spiritual beliefs, sexuality, age, residential location, academic level reached, employment, etc etc

So, how do you survive the attack of the critics and skeptics?

By knowing the difference between who you are and who others think you are. It’s actually okay to be misunderstood. The importance is how you feel and what you think. If I had believed the skeptics when I was younger, I would not have backpacked around Scandinavia with my young child. I achieved my dream of seeing the Midnight Sun, because I believed in myself. Always in the sky, the sun is a reminder to know who I am and have faith in myself. You too can Be Free by Being True To Yourself!

My daughter was only 14 years old, when she said ….

“Why waste life sitting in the corner. Live life how you imagined it!”

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