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Moments that Matter

Hello Beautiful Butterflies ... aka Beautiful Souls,

Did you know that it was over 2000 years ago, that the Roman poet, Horace first said, "Carpe Diem" - Seize the Day! And people have been quoting him ever since!

As beautiful as it is and as much as I love both the Latin and English versions of that phrase, it is important to remember that each day is made up of one moment after the other.

So, be sure to live each moment in a way that you will enjoy that moment … yes, every moment. Whether it be a connection with another or enjoying peaceful solitude.

Appreciation is the Key!


Day Time

Night Time

Any Time

Every Time

And Yes, it’s ok to have your favourite times ...

You might love sipping your morning coffee, while the sky changes colour.!

Perhaps you feel flutters each time you receive a text from your lover!

I love rolling over to the warm embrace of mine!

How wonderful is it when someone you love, sends you a random “Love You” text!

How good do you feel when the sunshine kisses your face!

How sweet it is, when your daughter kisses your cheek!

How yummy is it, when your lover kisses your lips!

How enchanted do you feel, when you connect with an animal!

How uplifting is it when you walk down the street and exchange beautiful big smiles with someone you have never met and might never see again!

Strangers connecting for a moment, adds momentum to your joy and can lift you higher.

How cool is it when you experience bliss for no reason at all!

Fertilise each moment with appreciation and watch your day bloom!

I love moments that feel happy and joyful and meaning ... these are the moments that matter. What I love more, is that I do have control over making every moment matter, because my perception governs my thoughts and emotions.

So, remember to take your Butterflynett everywhere with you and use it to Capture as many Beautiful Moments as you can!

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